We have a domain name irvinehacks.com
added to our Vercel project, but Vercel says our account/team does not have full access to the domain.
Another Vercel account is using this domain
We’ve already completed the TXT verification to use the domain with the project, but we do not have full control of the domain (or subdomains thereof).
Note that this will not move the domain into your account, but will allow you to use it in your project (Verify domain access)
For example, when trying to add an alias to a deployment in the same project, the Vercel CLI says
Error: You don't have access to the domain staging.irvinehacks.com under hackatucis-projects.
How can we actually “move the domain into our account”? We are not aware of any other Vercel accounts having used the domain, and we are the true owners of the domain and would be happy to justify such by any means.