DNS Records are not propagating when adding MX & TXT

Hey All,

Currently, I am trying to update the DNS records in Vercel by adding Resends provided domains. Below is an image of the names added, I blocked out the values for security. Our domain is registered on GoDaddy and our nameservers are currently set to Vercel. The website works, but the custom DNS records for MX and TXT do not propagate. I tried waiting 4 days for propagation to occur and it never happened. Additionally, we tried to update the DNS records again to validate that we input the correct values. What could the issue be?


Hey @vtattyba, and welcome to the Vercel Community!

More than happy to work with you on figuring this out and if its been 4 days already, something may not be correct.

Are you able to let me know the domain so I can investigate further?

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Hey @mcsdev,

Thanks for the rapid follow up. The domain is algopeak.net.

Thank you!

Hey @vtattyba, thanks for confirming!

I can see that all of the DNS records have propagated and have sent you a link (a public DNS checker) so you can see this also. There’s no security concern given DNS records are all publicly available but I wanted you to have the choice on whether you share it.

Given they’ve propagated, probably a good time to ask where you’re seeing any kind of information to suggest they haven’t!

Hey @mcsdev,

Thanks for the response, DNS Check does confirm the domain has propagated. The strange thing is the Resend verification is in a “Failed” status, assuming that Resend is behaving like a public DNS checker in the backend. This might be out of scope for you, and a problem with Resend, regardless thanks for your time.

Kind regards

Hey @vtattyba,

Glad I could help! I’d definitely make contact with the Resend folks, they’re good people :slight_smile:

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