DNS issues and pages not loading

I am having a couples of issues with my new website:

1. DNS configuration issues for my test environment
2. Some inners pages showing an error in production when they work fine locally

FIRST ISSUE: DNS configuration issues for my test environment

I have configured 3 domains for my project (see screenshot).

The first two work fine and I can see my website after pushing it to master.

The issue comes with the last one, I am seeing an error in my configuration saying that the CNAME cannot be detected and I have an invalid configuration.
I have tried the following steps:

  • Added the CNAME directly to my third party hosting provider - this didn’t work
  • Changed the nameservers to Vercel nameservers and added the CNAME in vercel directly - this didn’t work either.

Note: with both configurations the master branch and domain work fine.

Can you I have some assistance here?

SECOND ISSUE: Some inners pages showing an error in production when they work fine locally

This one is straightforward, I have some inner pages that are showing a 404 error in production when others work fine.
Example of 404 pages:

Example of page working fine:

Can I please understand why these pages are showing 404 while they are building and working fine locally?

Thanks for the help!

Hi @evodreamfr. The * CNAME record should cover all subdomains when you’re using Vercel nameservers. Try removing the test CNAME and let me know if that gets it working for you.

The 404 is a bit trickier since there are a lot of different reasons that a file may be at a different location or missing from a deployment entirely. This post has tips to help you locate the source of the problem: Debugging 404 Errors

Hi @amyegan, thank you for the quick response!

I forgot to mention in my post that we also try not having test and just left the * CNAME record but it wasn’t working.
I just removed it again, but it doesn’t seem to be changing anything.

Thanks for sharing the debugging link, I’ll take a look.

:sweat_smile: I just noticed the project domain settings screenshot shows test.evodream.fr rather than test.evocoach.fr. Does it work if you change the domain to test.evocoach.fr?

Ohh great catch! I totally missed it :sweat_smile: Thanks!

Still viewing the 404 docs, will report here what I find.

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Hi @amyegan, just a quick note that I could make these pages work by creating a vercel.json config file and adding the following snippet I found online.

    "rewrites": [
        {"source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/"}

Thanks for the help again!

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