DNS/Build issues: Using Ionos as domain registrar

I’ve deployed and promoted my Project: Tabum with a custom domain (tabum.org) which is maintained by a 3rd party Registrar, Ionos. In Proejct settings> Domain on Vercel I see my domain with the message “No Deployment”. Going to Tabum.org (incognito mode) produces a Vercel generated message:

ID: pdx1::fwlg6-1739304203417-ea74c48883df

My settings at Ionos for Vercel nameserver:

A    @ 

Error message above is from Vercel not Ionos as the hyperlink ref points to:

This deployment cannot be found. For more information and troubleshooting, see our documentation.

  1. It seems it is not pointing to the build I have deployed and promoted to Vercel.
  2. I cannot alter the CNAME at Ionos (says it needs a Subdomain).
  3. DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool

There’s another community post with 404 debugging tips that might be helpful. Please give these solutions a try and let us know how it goes.

A human should be around soon to offer more advice. But you can also get helpful information quickly by asking v0.

Hi @jayhilwig, welcome to the Vercel Community!

I can see you’ve set up the domain correctly but you have not promoted any deployments to the production. To fix this, follow the steps laid out in the Promoting Deployments guide.

I hope this was helpful.

Thank you Anshuman for looking into this. I’m really enjoying Vercel and know this is a small issue we can resolve.

Here’s some screenshots of me using “Promote” and the outcomes of that action. This is a sequence of screenshots that should be self describing.


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I feel like if I cloned/upload to Git, this would help but I’m trying to avoid that.

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Hi @jayhilwig, thanks for sharing the additional information.

It looks like you did everything correctly. Your DNS configuration also seems to be correct.

Can you try removing the domain from the project settings and re-adding it once?

Thanks for additional feedback Anshuman!

Here are the steps/screenshots of removing and re-adding:


Your production deployments are actually in Staged mode: Login – Vercel. You need Promote a staged production build to make it available as Production.

Thanks Swarnava, I think that is the main issue: I am unable to move my deployment to Prod.

Here are screenshots of my process and any feedback is appreciated!

From the Vercel Help, why do I only see the generic “Promote” instead of “Promote to Production”

As I suspected, I was able to download a Zip from my Vercel chat of the files, upload to my Git repo and connect my Vercel project to said Git repo. This allows me to deploy/promote to Prod.

In my opinion, this is an unneeded step. I am a designer and wanted to create this entirely in Vercel and Figma as a case study in ‘no code’. Adding Git is not a designer friendly concept.

Thanks for the help, if there is something I’m missing re comment above:
You need Promote a staged production build to make it available as Production .
please let me know!

Thanks for your reply and indeed it sounds like a buggy behavior. Can you share us a screencast how you reproduce this from scratch so we can take a closer look?

Because your deployment is already in Production but in Staged state.

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Thanks Swarnava! So things seem to be going well now. If I deploy a new version in v0 and then promote it in Vercel project, it updates the code to my custom domain, tabum.org. I still have to sync my files to Github but since I’ve made the initial connection (to Github), it seems to work.

I tried to take a Loom but can’t repro (now) with this project. I will re-visit on my next project if issue comes up again.

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Not sure if there sia Solution to mark in this case but I can close etc if needed.

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Thank you and no worries.Feel free to create a thread if you can see this issue again.

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