404: deployment_not_found

Hi, I want to achieve the following:

  • Make my web app hosted by Vercel accessible under my.website.com
  • Make my marketing website (WordPress instance) accessible under website.com

I’m not sure where to add which DNS records.
I’m using an external DNS provider.

Currently, when I try to access my web app under my.website.com it already works – so that’s great.
However, when I enter website.com it tries to access a Vercel deployment instance which I don’t want.

I’m seeing the error:

I thought this entry in Vercel is responsible:

However, I can’t edit it due: “DNS Records provided by the system cannot be modified.”

Hey @phillipmohr. There’s a step-by-step guide for adding custom domains here: Adding & Configuring a Custom Domain

There are also some domain troubleshooting tips in the docs which can solve nearly every project domain issue I’ve ever seen in my years at Vercel. :smile:

Please give those a try and let me know if you still have trouble with it

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