
I have a website and in order to run the webapp (next.js) i have to write npm run dev then it will start and say ready in seconds then i have to go and open the website and only after that it will start compiling it so now i have imported it in vercel now i cant open the website untill the deployment is complete but it wont compile untill i open it so what do i do

“✓ Starting…
‘yarn’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
✓ Ready in 13.4s”
after this vercel stops

however to run it locally i run and go to the localhost:3000
and it send a compile req then it starts how do i do it in vercel
" ○ Compiling / …
The user aborted a request.

Retrying 1/3…
The user aborted a request.

Retrying 1/3…
The user aborted a request.

Retrying 1/3…
✓ Compiled / in 56.4s (1730 modules)
:warning: metadataBase property in metadata export is not set for resolving social open graph or twitter images, using “http://localhost:3000”. See Functions: generateMetadata | Next.js
GET / 200 in 28775ms
✓ Compiled in 6.4s (805 modules)
○ Compiling /_not-found …
✓ Compiled /_not-found in 2.8s (901 modules)
✓ Compiled in 13s (806 modules)"

Hi, @minerking01! Welcome to the Vercel Community. :smile:

Could you share your package.json and vercel.json with us? It looks like the issue is related to yarn.

‘yarn’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Let us know if you have any questions!

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