Cloudflare Proxy

i have my vercel website with custom domain proxy with cloudflare, when cloudflare proxy in on i get

This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.


without cloudflare proxy i can access it normal, i have my ssl config to full

i have check the Documentation

i did all the steps written there and still does not load the website

Could you share your URL with us to check DNS?

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@pawlean here is the picture of my dns records and SSL/TLS encryption config

From your screenshot, there’s a warning sign next to your CNAME config. What does it say?

I also took a look at the DNS Checker and found that your CNAME is not showing up.

This hostname is not covered by a certificate. To ensure full coverage, purchase Advanced Certificate Manager to use Total TLS for full certificate coverage of proxied hostnames.

@pawlean it should never show cname right because of cloudflare proxy

I think you’ve got your answer there! Could you get a certificate?

Cross-posting this guide in case it’s helpful :smiley:

but for other hosting providers it still works when on proxy

can you give me an example for this for vercel.json

Could you try the steps outlined in the Troubleshooting section in the relevant docs?

Both Cloudflare and Vercel utilize the ACME protocol—with SSL providers like Let’s Encrypt—to issue certificates. To validate domain ownership, the protocol sends an HTTP (not HTTPS) request to /.well-known/acme-challenge/<id> on your server.

Cloudflare has a variety of services that, depending on their configuration, could block the ACME protocol verification checks, resulting in Vercel failing to issue TLS certificates properly:

  • Page Rules
  • Access
  • Bot Fight Mode

To avoid disruption, the following path:

  • http://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/.well-known/acme-challenge/*

Must be excluded from page rules, bot protection, or bypassed inside Access.

it already has a certificate because when i unproxy and check using sslchecker it shows that it already has a certificate

i have no rules and i have disabled features that will block it

@pawlean hello? Is there any solution

Could you try disabling any setting you have on Cloudflare? For example:

@pawlean i have done that already and it does not work

@pawlean hello? I am waiting for a response