Cant add to project

* is a free domain provided by, but when i try to add it tells me to make a TXT record at, which i cant cause i dont own the domain. How can i register it?

Hi, @cyteon! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

It looks like FreeDNS by allows full DNS management, including services for both free and premium users. It supports dynamic DNS (DDNS), static DNS, and domain hosting, and lets you manage your own domains or choose subdomains from a shared registry. You can configure various DNS records such as A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT, and more.

Could you try adding the TXT record? I’ve also linked the following community post which may be helpful.

Hi, I get the errors

Creation of records beginning with ‘_’ are presently restricted to the domain owner only by default - this is temporary (2016-02-10) please contact if you need access.

The hostname is already taken!"

Trying to make a txt record at