Hi, i have a problem.
I created a test application with Vercel, and it’s working perfectly when enter its URL.
Now, I want it to be shown as subfolder content for my another application which is Flask app, hosted on AWS EB.
So, basically, I want the URL myapp.com/docs would load this Vervel application and resolve all the inner links automatically. I already have another project and were able to implement it with AWS Amplify but with this project, hosted on AWS EB, I’m stuck, and can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
I’ve already set up the reverse proxy pointing to the Vercel application and it looks like it works but unfortunately, although I see the response from Vercel, it’s an error " 404: NOT_FOUNDCode: DEPLOYMENT_NOT_FOUND
ID: iad1::4tj8l-1726858081926-812f598427cf
I don’t know where is this deployment ID from, every time when I reload the page, it shows a new one.
I checked the Vercel app itself, it has the production deployment. What am I missing?