I recode the app, so I would think the app goes live. But, it still displays 404 ERROR. I went to search in 404 error page, and i cannot reach the reason. Could you help me?
This is my app URL.
This is ERROR page.
Deployment log error -------
[00:07:13.954] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[00:07:14.106] Cloning GitHub - rako/atcrategraphpic: AtCoderのレーティンググラフをGitHubのプロフィールREADMEに追加できるようにするサービスです。 (Branch: main, Commit: 42c5011)
[00:07:14.352] Cloning completed: 244.783ms
[00:07:14.550] Restored build cache from previous deployment (7iPVhYBqXzVP14Yyyu9FExhLXHXR)
[00:07:14.640] Running “vercel build”
[00:07:15.053] Vercel CLI 37.6.1
[00:07:15.210] WARN! Due to builds
existing in your configuration file, the Build and Development Settings defined in your Project Settings will not apply. Learn More: Error List
[00:07:15.229] Installing required dependencies…
[00:07:40.679] Build Completed in /vercel/output [25s]
[00:07:40.786] Deploying outputs…
[00:07:50.899] Deployment completed
[00:07:51.984] Uploading build cache [29.00 B]…
[00:07:52.120] Build cache uploaded: 135.654ms
Below it, it displays vercel.json
"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "scrape.py",
"use": "@vercel/python"
"routes": [
"src": "/scrape",
"dest": "/scrape.py"
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/templates/index.html"
Deployment URL or Custom Domain: https://atc-rategraph-pic.vercel.app/
Environment (local, preview, production): preview, production
Project Framework: Flask in python
Build Settings:
Framework Preset:
Build Command (if not default):
Output Directory (if not default):
Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version:
Package Manager:
Relevant Packages: