Built a healthcare company's website using Nextjs and Framer Motion

I recently completed my first project of the year. I started work on it last month and am thrilled that Easelab Africa is live.

The project is for a client who need a web application for his healthcare company.

:star2: Highlights of the project

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, SWR
  • Backend: MongoDB
  • Deployment: Vercel

Key Features:
:white_check_mark: Blog functionality for sharing insights
:white_check_mark: Careers page
:white_check_mark: Admin dashboard for managing content

Iā€™m proud of how this turned out.


This is a beautiful site. Great work, @andemosa!

Thank you for sharing it with us :smile:

Thanks for the kind words @amyegan