Account Locked After Test Deployment


I deployed an patch to a test project and my account was locked within 20 minutes due to use.

Is there any way for my account to be re-enabled?

Also, is there a way to prevent this from happening again?

Hi, @sgniwdereth!

Could you follow these steps in this thread?

I can’t seem to delete any of them…

I had this project and it doesn’t seem to match anything. is there something I am missing?


would you be able to review and advise?

In the second textbox you need to type “delete my project” instead of the project name. Please give that a try and let us know if you still have trouble :slightly_smiling_face:

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thank you for being able to read… I don’t know how I misread this…

Thank you!


You’re not the first person to get stuck on that step. We intentionally make it a little tricky so people don’t accidentally delete something if they didn’t really want to. I’m glad it worked for you!


Thanks for jumping in, @amyegan! :heart_hands:

@sgniwdereth Your account should now be back to normal, let us know if we can support with anything else.

Re-sharing our limits docs for future reference!


Should my account still be paused? I thought it would be open again, but it’s still paused.

Should my account still be paused? I thought it would be open again, but it’s still paused.