When is the vercel postgres compute time reset?

I am using the vercel postgres hobby plan.
When will the Compute Time reset?

I feel like it has already been a month, but I don’t feel like it has been reset yet.

Can I check the dashboard to see when it will be reset?

If you click on the storage tab and then on the db in question you should see the period at the top. I’m using the new neon integration but you should still see something like this:


Thanks, I just don’t see Current Period on my screen.

Hi @rakushite-inc, it looks like you’re using the Vercel Postgres instead of the Neon Postgres integration. This will automatically be transitioned to Neon Postgres by the end of this month (without downtime).

In the meantime, you can check the creation date to see when is the usage cycle ending by hovering over the Creation date in the Storage tab of your account:

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