Hi I’m having an issue post deployment with my react website. It’s just showing a white screen and I have no idea how to fix the issue? I’ve checked and updated all my dependencies and can’t see any routing issues? It runs perfectly on my local host. I’m a junior front end dev so I must be missing something lol!
Please can someone help me, I’ve been stuck on this for two days, it haunts my sleep!
This is my deployment address: https://vercel.com/dillans-projects-f662840b/personal-website/GUodAAhF2aAFu37nWYJreGy6SmHu
Can you completely delete your vercel.json configuration?
Vercel often auto-detects and optimizes routes for projects, especially for common setups like React apps. By deleting the vercel.json file, you allow Vercel to use its default routing configuration, which is usually optimized for typical project structures like yours (where index.html in the public folder is automatically served for client-side apps).
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! that worked! oh my word I can’t explain how grateful I am! it still wasn’t working so I deleted the project and reloaded it and it works beautifully! thank you so much again!