Vercel Toolbar with strict CSP? (follow-up)

This is a follow-up of Vercel Toolbar with strict CSP? since the thread has been closed and replies are no longer possible.

I wanted to see if there are any plans to support this? currently we need to do some dirty trickets to get the toolbar to work, for example:

  // allow toolbar for internal team: see
  const disableVercelToolbar = !rootData?.user?.email?.includes('')

  // see:
  const cspHeader = createCspHeader(
      'script-src': `'nonce-${nonce}' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https: http:`,
      'object-src': "'none'",
      'base-uri': "'none'",
      includeHeaderName: false,
      presets: disableVercelToolbar ? [{ 'script-src': "'strict-dynamic'" }] : [],

  responseHeaders.set('Content-Security-Policy', cspHeader)

It would be great if we could get some support with strict-dynamic + nonce csp headers.

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As you probably saw in the other post, the docs have some info on using a Content Security Policy. But the toolbar does not currently support strict-dynamic CSP.

Pauline already shared the previous post with the engineering team, and I’ll link this post as well.

I moved this topic to the Feedback category and extended the expiration date so others can add join the conversation