Vercel not pulling Github builds

On both of my sites, they will build/deploy fine from github.
However neither of them will pull any updates from github.
My sites are simple Sveltekit starters, build fine. I’m using “main” repo for each.
I’ve got the Vercel addon in Github. Kicked the can everywhich way on my repo.
Permissions should be fine?
Deleting and readding the Vercel project works…
Checked everywhere I can think to look in permissions, settings, scanned the Internet… been at this for too many hours for something that I think should work automatically?

Please point me in the right direction!

Hi, @vagabond999! Welcome to the Vercel Community :wave:

This should all be done automatically. Re-sharing this document in case it’s helpful:

You could also:

  1. Verify Vercel webhook exists and recent deliveries are successful.
  2. Ensure correct repository and branch are connected.
  3. Confirm “Auto Deploy” is enabled for the “main” branch.
  4. Ensure Vercel has necessary access to your repositories.
  5. Verify they’re not blocking Vercel access.
  6. Look for failed deployments or error messages.
  7. Ensure necessary events (push, pull request) are selected for the Vercel webhook.

Let us know how you get on!

For any poor saps getting up to speed on this…
If your using hobby level Vercel, the name your github submits needs to be the same as the name of your Github username. After you push your code, read the “submitted by”.
The rather simple command

git config --global "Mona Lisa"

should do the trick… unless your unlucky, then you need to dig out .git files, del certs, run admin cmd, reset a few times, to get it to work.

This would be much easier if Vercel allowed us to simply enter the actual Username of our Gibhub commits, the 1 name we are allowed in Hobby level. Rather than having to change our dev system to push a Github username that is based on 1 in millions unique identifier made over a decade ago.
