Vercel cookie issue

  1. what does this error mean
    Cookie “__vercel_live_token” has been rejected because it is in a cross-site context and its “SameSite” is “Lax” or “Strict”. i deployed a site on vercel

so my login screen isnt redirecting me to /admin due to me token being rejected

This is for Vercel Deployment Protection. If you are accessing the deployment through a non-direct way (e.g. in an iframe) then you may need to further configure x-vercel-set-bypass-cookie by setting the value to samesitenone.

This will set SameSite to None on the Set-Cookie header, by default SameSite is set to Lax.

im not accessing the deployment through iframe or any other non-direct way. here is a link. when you visit the site on the console it shows this error but was working fine on the local machine.

Can you record a screencast and share with us? I am assuming the /admin route is behind an auth and we don’t have access. You can also create a temporary credentials and share with us. Feel free to let me know in that case I will send you a DM

sure thank you so much ill share the credentials with you.please send a dm.

As this is solved now via DM. I am closing this topic!

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