Vercel blob gateway timeout

I have an api with blob, that worked then, but right now, even though I didn’t edit anything, I get an error 504.
So my real question is: is it a temporary vercel issue maybe ? Or is it in my code ? (I repeat that I didn’t edit this)

Hi, @mikalem898!

Here are some troubleshooting steps that could be helpful!

Got this error in logs: info - Loaded env from /var/task/.env Task timed out after 10.01 seconds
What does info - Loaded env from /var/task/.env mean ? On netlify hosting I get 502, bc the timeout may be higher defaultly

Update: I don’t have vercel.json file, can it be the cause of my prblm ? What are the default values ?

OKKK !! Actually, I dont rlly know why, but I get this error only when I add a size limit in payload in this API (for blob). So I just removed it, no error lol.
Sorry for wasting ure time…

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Not at all! Thanks :smile:

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