V0 Message Limit Reset Changed? Bug or New Policy?

Hey everyone, I just had a really weird experience with V0 today and I’m wondering if anyone else has noticed something similar.

Normally, the free plan allows 10-ish messages per day, and the limit resets at 3:00 AM the next day. That’s how it’s always worked for me atleast. But today (Feb 11, 2025), things were different.

I hadn’t used the bot for a day or two, and when I visited the site, I saw I was signed out. That was already strange, but I signed back in without thinking too much about it. But before sending a new prompt, I decided to check my previous saved projects. I opened a couple of past chats, and after the 3rd or 4th one, I suddenly got hit with the “You are out of messages”. But instead of saying it would reset the next day at 3:00 AM like usual, it said my limit wouldn’t reset until March 3 at 3:00 AM. That’s 20 days from now!!!

I haven’t even used the bot recently, so I have no idea why this happened. If the message limit reset policy has changed, I haven’t seen any announcements about it. But even if it had changed, I still hadn’t used my messages, so why is my account locked out for so long?

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a bug, or did they silently change the reset rules for free users? Hoping to get some clarification on this. :neutral_face:

Hi @johnf17, welcome to the Vercel Community!

Sorry that you’re facing this issue. I’ll get some help internally and update you on this here.


Hello @anshumanb, thanks for the reply, I was wondering if you had any updates since it’s been 4 days with no changes, looking forward to your reply.

Hi @johnf17, we’re still checking internally about your issue. Sorry that it’s taking longer.

Hi, John! Appreciate your patience here :pray:

I can confirm that the limits displayed in the app are correct.

Free users may encounter monthly limits, but upgrading to Premium provides more generous allowances.

Let me know if you have any other questions. :slight_smile:

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