V0 is freezing up and never doing anything

Hi, quite simply, v0 has been very buggy for me. It will be in the middle of writing a file, and just completely freeze, and it will infinitely say generating. Also, I find that I have to refresh the entire page often for it to show the files it changed, and it wont ever show the right preview until I do the full reload.

Edit: Also, adding components with shadcn UI is completely broken as well. Right now, v0 is fully broken for me.


Can you record a screencast and share it with us so we can have a closer look? Also please share browser details and OS details. Thank you!


here is the shadcn ui error im getting, which is strange. Seems like theres no actualy JSON at the URL being given

I cant get the freezing to replicate right now, but here is the shadcn cli error

Thanks! It looks like not related to Vercel platform or V0 in general. I will recommend filling a issue here so Shadcn owner can investigate the issue: shadcn-ui Github Issue

Thanks, is there a way I can actually read the json its outputing for the shadcn CLI? I’m curious because data-table.tsx is not a part of the CLI which is why its thowing the error, and I want to see why its being included part of the component.

Also, I only get this issue with the one specific project I’m working on in v0, otherwise, all other chats and components install correctly from v0 with the shadcn cli

After trying to figure out this issue, can confirm the problem is with v0. It seems the AI or something is giving the wrong components to the shadcn CLI. In the image, you can see its trying to pull a component from ui.shadcn.com that doesnt exist. I got rid of the original data-table error by finessing v0 into doing it. fullscreen-calender is a component, that I had v0 itself make in the project, so I’m not sure why it would tell the CLI to download it from the shadcn website. Can confirm this is the only project with this issue, and other work with the CLI perfectly fine.

You can try adding --loglevel verbose in your pnpm command and see if it fetches more detailed logs.

This is what I was able to do. Verbose said not command found.

salvatorenoto@Salvatores-MacBook-Pro leasing % DEBUG=shadcn* pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add "https://v0.dev/chat/b/b_8j46molBqHv?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0N
⠼ Checking registry.

Something went wrong. Please check the error below for more details.
If the problem persists, please open an issue on GitHub.

The component at https://v0.dev/chat/b/b_8j46molBqHv/json?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..u29BtTzw-iQmvRPK.FXnS3WEWCwyjA_x9IwBBHibipx-n8Ooj9xFYy5A-j7b-TGSxVLbz_7YLgaQ.jNc9KIWC4QyLoTfS_VMr4g was not found.
It may not exist at the registry. Please make sure it is a valid component.