Unknown problem when deploying to preview env

Hey guys! Hope this message finds you well.

I’m trying to deploy a full stack next.js project, production is working just fine, when i try to use the preview environment for all my commits i get this strange error on the client: previewOrigin not set yey.

Can’t find anything on google, there is not much to say about my configs, just running a basic next.js project. Full error below:

feedback.html?dpl=dpl_64ny8owgkdSr7NRVmU2VefZxkKw3:9 Uncaught Error: previewOrigin not set yet
    at E (feedback.html?dpl=dpl_64ny8owgkdSr7NRVmU2VefZxkKw3:9:3425)
    at feedback.html?dpl=dpl_64ny8owgkdSr7NRVmU2VefZxkKw3:9:77282

Hey, Pedro! :wave:

Thanks for sharing this - it is an odd error! I’ve not seen it before.

The error “previewOrigin not set yet” suggests that there’s an issue with setting up the preview environment for your deployment.
And this is occurring in a file named feedback.html, which is likely part of Vercel’s deployment feedback system.

Could you try the following:

Check your Vercel project settings to ensure all configurations related to preview deployments are correct.
Verify that your project’s build process is completing successfully before the preview attempt.
If you’re using any custom scripts or configurations in your vercel.json file (if you have one), review them for any potential issues.
Try redeploying your project to see if the error persists.

Thanks! Let us know how you get on.

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Hey, Pauline, thanks for replying!

I tried the checklist you mentioned but it didn’t solve the problem :disappointed:. Also, i’m not currently using a vercel.json file.

About the error, i did some debugging on the browser and saw that the error comes from a file that looks like Vercel’s feedback system, like you said.

Im still trying to get more clues, if i find anything i’ll bring here. Either way, thanks for the help!