Unable to Delete Supabase Database After Vercel Project Deletion

Deployment URL or Custom Domain: N/A - Project already deleted from Vercel

Environment (local, preview, production): N/A - Project deleted

Project Framework: Next.js (based on template used: vercel.com/templates/next.js/supabase)

Build Settings:
  Framework Preset: Next.js
  Build Command (if not default): N/A
  Output Directory (if not default): N/A
  Install Command (if not default): N/A

Node/Runtime Version: N/A

Package Manager: N/A

Relevant Packages: Supabase

Current behavior:

  • Unable to delete Supabase database after deleting the associated Vercel project
  • Supabase UI redirects to Vercel Marketplace for deletion
  • Vercel Marketplace deletion attempt results in “Unable to delete the Database” error
  • Database remains active in Supabase but cannot be managed through normal means

Expected behavior:

  • Deleting the Vercel project that created the Supabase (and other) resource should automatically delete the Supabase resources. Barring automatic resource deletion, it should be able to delete the Supabase database either through Supabase UI or Vercel Marketplace
  • Alternatively, clear instructions on how to delete an orphaned Supabase database after Vercel project deletion

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create project using Supabase Starter – Vercel template
  2. Delete the Vercel project
  3. Attempt to delete Supabase database through Supabase UI
  4. Get redirected to Vercel Marketplace
  5. Attempt deletion through Vercel Marketplace
  6. Receive “Unable to delete the Database” error

Additional context:
This appears to be an edge case where the database management is locked to Vercel Marketplace integration, but the deletion flow breaks when the associated Vercel project is deleted first. This creates an orphaned database that cannot be deleted through either platform’s standard interfaces.

Kind regards

Thanks for reporting this. I shared your post with the team, and we’ll update you here when we uncover more details

I am also experiencing this exact same problem.

@bw1be Thank you for bringing it to our attention. We are aware of the scenario when users can not delete the Supabase database if the project is deleted. Our team aware and working on it. We will keep you posted on the updates.

The team released a change to solve this issue. Please let us know if you still have trouble with it

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