@tailwindcss/typography not included when building via Vercel?

Hi v0 team, I have a project which if I view it on v0, the style works.
However, if I deploy the v0 project to vercel, the style no longer works.
My project relies on “@tailwindcss/typography” package.
I realized the package is not included in package.json when building in Vercel (v0-canada-service-directory-26l8xdrvvxz – Deployment Source – Vercel)
In addition, tailwind.config.js doesn’t have “@tailwindcss/typography” imported either.

I tried to manually add package.json and tailwind.config.js in v0, however, the imports get stripped out when Vercel builts it

v0 chat is Private v0 Chat – v0 by Vercel

Hi, Kouddy! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

Your chat is no longer available - did you manage to get this fixed in the end?

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ohh sorry about this Pauline… Lemme try create a new chat with the issue and get back to you then

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Hi Pauline, I was able to reproduce this with chat that is not deleted.

The chat is Private v0 Chat – v0 by Vercel. If you type “/posts/5-essential-questions-answered-whey-protein” in URL section of the chat’s preview, the styles renders fine.

However, if you visit deployed version in Stablo - Modern Blog Template, the style no longer applies.
I believe this is because the deployed version doesn’t include "@tailwindcss/typography” package in v0-protein-affiliate-blog-xckcghob6kh – Deployment Source – Vercel

Thank you,

I believe I’m experiencing the same issue. I’m using import { Orbitron } from ‘next/font/google’ with no trouble in my v0 project, but it doesn’t use that font in production.

Hi @pawlean, I am wondering if you were able to take a look at the new chat which has the problem?

Thank you,

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