Suspicious Edge Requests

Hi all,

I have a few problems with my company site made with Astro and deployed on Vercel.

In the usage tab, I have these Edge Request

For me, this is not normal because it is not a well-known company and we don’t do any marketing. Even most of the requests are made to American and Latin American CDNs and they have the same amount of requests to each one.

And this is really weird when I go to Analytics tab and these are the results

How is it possible that I get 50k requests a day and only have 31 visits?

Thank you very much

Hi @criveroib!

Welcome to the Vercel Community :smiley:

Thanks for your question! I’ve asked internally to investigate more on this, and will circle back soon.

Hey there. I was able to take a look at your usage.

I was able to confirm the high number of Edge Requests – you can see this reflected on your Usage page under top paths. You’ll notice all of these requests were going to your index route.

Looking at the last day of traffic from the Vercel Firewall, it appears almost the entirety of these Edge Requests are coming from “Amazon Route53 Health Check Service”. You can verify this by clicking on the Firewall tab in your project and viewing traffic over the past day. If you click on “Default Web Traffic”, you can filter by user agent, IP address, JA4, or other information.

The solution here is likely to disable to decrease the frequently of your health check. And if this is not your own health check, you can create a custom rule for the Firewall to deny or challenge this traffic.


Thank you very much. I will ask to DevOps team about the health check or then I will block it.

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