Simple HTML website - Clean URLs

I deployed a basic html, css, js website to Vercel. I wanted to have clean urls. In other words, I did not want the .html showing in the URL name in the browser. I have a folder that was created named vercel. Inside the folder in my project.json file which I added the following code:

“cleanUrls”: true

However, my website still has the html extension on each page. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Vercel staff might be able to check further, but if you’re looking for help from the community, could you share your site URL?

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Hi, @rainleap!

Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile: Great to have you here!

I have a folder that was created named vercel

To use the vercel.json file configuration, it needs to be at the root of your project not in a subfolder. This file should have your configuration:

  "cleanUrls": true

Thanks for also jumping in, @hrishikeshk! :pray:

Thank you for the replay. I will look again docs and see if I can figure it out.

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