Pushes to main do not deploy automatically anymore

I have been enjoying auto deployments by pushing to the main just fine. After some time, it suddenly stopped working. Therefore, I looked into the issue and made sure that I have the same email for github and vercel as well as the commit email address but to no avail. Any tips?
Deployment URL or Custom Domain:  kentlynn.me
Environment (local, preview, production): production
Project Framework: Next.js
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset:
  Build Command (if not default):  "npm install --legacy-peer-deps"
  Output Directory (if not default):
  Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version:
Package Manager:
Relevant Packages:


Can you send us the commit SHA? Can you also double check these settings: Why aren't commits triggering deployments on Vercel??

There are a lot more commits that failed.
The error is as follows.
“No GitHub account was found matching the commit author email address”. I made sure the commit author email address and the github and the vercel email address are all the same.

The author is indeed coming blank:

  "author": {},
  "committer": {},
  "date": "2024-11-17T16:05:45Z",
  "message": "change logic of select a cell",
  "sha": "6a98aa0c87c540f0823ddc2b95f07b9b51937f45"

Do you have metadata set in local machine: Why aren't commits triggering deployments on Vercel? ?

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