August 25, 2024, 6:49pm
hello guys, i am seeking help regarding deployment of my nestjs project. it works well when i am using vercel CLI but with github repo is break and give 404 NOT FOUND error message even after successfull deployment. Can you guys help me with issue.
(Amy Egan)
August 26, 2024, 4:27pm
Hi @kudachan . I put together a few tips for investigating 404 errors. Please give these a try and let me know if they help you figure out the cause.
Sometimes things don’t go as expected when deploying a website. If you see a 404 on your site, that means the page or resource couldn’t be found.
There are many possible causes, and the absence of something can be tricky debug if you don’t know where to look. Here are some things you can do to find the cause and fix it.
Debugging Tips
Check the error code
If you see a mostly white screen with 404: NOT_FOUND along with a Code and and ID then you can click the blue info box below the error deta…
September 2, 2024, 4:44pm
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