We have been developing an app in Next.js for some time and have deployed it to production on Vercel several times, and everything has worked fine. The problem arose two days ago when we deployed a new version, and the app stopped working in production, showing a “time out” error.
I have reviewed the code thoroughly and couldn’t find anything that takes so long. Using Google’s inspection tools, we noticed it was taking up to 11 seconds, so we increased the “time out” setting in Vercel to 30 seconds, but it still failed. Then we increased it to 60 seconds, and it kept giving the “time out” error. We are confident there are no infinite loops or anything strange in the code.
We are using tools like:
- Drizzle as ORM
- SQL database hosted on Turso
The link to the web app is: https://app.misturnos.es/