Next Js ISR?

import StartRating from "../../../components/StartRating/StartRating";
import Avatar from "@/shared/Avatar/Avatar";
import ButtonSecondary from "@/shared/Button/ButtonSecondary";
import Link from "next/link";
import HotelService from "@/services/HotelService";
import HolidayOfferService from "@/services/HolidayOfferService";
import { vacbidTranslation } from "../../../i18n/index";
import renderHreflangTagsSlugPage from "@/utils/renderHreflangTagsSlugPage";
import RenderSection8 from "./RenderSection8";
import SectionBecomeAnAuthor from "../../../components/SectionBecomeAnAuthor/SectionBecomeAnAuthor";
import SectionStayOffers from "./SectionStayOffers";
import StaySection1 from "./StaySection1";
import StaySection2 from "./StaySection2";
import RenderSection3 from "./RenderSection3";
import RenderSection7 from "./RenderSection7";
import RenderPhotosSection from "./RenderPhotosSection";
import RenderSidebar from "./RenderSidebar";
import MobilFooter from "./MobilFooter";

export const revalidate = 2592000; // 30 gün

export async function generateMetadata({ params: { lng, hotelSlug } }) {
  const {
    data: { data: stay },
  } = await new HotelService().getHotelBySlug(hotelSlug);
  return {
    title: `${} | Vacbid`,
    description: stay.description?.slice(0, 160),
    openGraph: {
      title: `${} | Vacbid`,
      description: stay.description?.slice(0, 160),
      url: `${lng}/hotel/${stay.slug}`,
      siteName: "Vacbid",
      locale: lng,
      type: "website",
      images:[stay.hotelImages[0].url] ,
    twitter: {
      card: "photo",
      title: "Vacbid.Com",
      site: "@Vacbid",
    keywords: `${},${},${},Hotel,Hotels,Vacations,Luxury Travel,Summer Vacation,Family Vacation,Cheap Vacations,Holiday Packages,Vacation Bid, Hotel Price`,
    facebook: {
      appId: '3737678119783579',
    alternates: {
      canonical: `${lng}/hotel/${stay.slug}`,
      languages: {
        "x-default": `${stay.slug}`,

const ListingStayDetail = async ({
  className = "",
  params: { lng, hotelSlug },
}) => {
  const {t}= await vacbidTranslation(lng);
  const {
    data: { data: stay },
  } = await new HotelService().getHotelBySlug(hotelSlug);
  const [
    { data: { data: stayUserBids } },
    { data: { data: userStaysSize } }
  ] = await Promise.all([
    new HolidayOfferService().countAllByHotelUserId(,
    new HotelService().countAllByUserId(
  const urls = stay?.hotelImages?.map((image) => image.url);

I have such code, and I noticed that ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) is not applied after the first visit. What should I do? Does the system need more time?