News Cache (2025-03-03)

:star: Community Highlights

@jonoroboto shared the Turbo Start Sanity starter that Roboto Studio uses for all of their projects. If you give it a try, be sure to thank the Studio Roboto team and send feedback — Turbo Start Sanity - a Next.js, Sanity & Vercel enterprise starter

The Fluid compute team joined us live to explain what it is, give a demo, and answer our questions. You can find the full recording on the event page — Chat with the Fluid compute team

:light_bulb:New & Updated Templates

:books: Learn

:date: Events

▲ From Vercel

:information_source: Reminders

Don’t forget to checkout the Who’s Hiring and Hire Me posts. We’re hiring another Community Engineer and many great opportunities and candidates have already been shared.

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