MIME Type Errors. JS files being render like html

Hello! I have a website that I created a while back. Recently, I built a languages switching feature locally, and pushed it up through GitHub and into Vercel, expecting it to work just fine.

The page should have looked like this:

Instead, I got this result:

Now, this result is telling, when you look at the code. Here, let me send you the code directly connected with this page:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="description" content="Do you want your child to grow up knowing what really matters? If so, we will gladly teach them!">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
        <script type="module" src="/languageSwitch.js"></script>
        <script src="/indexComponent.js"></script>
        <link rel="icon" href="/logo.svg">
    <body class=" bg-slate-200">
        <img id="close" src="/close.svg" class="h-5 fixed top-14 right-5 -mr-2 mt-1 border border-red border-solid bg-slate-300 rounded-xl z-10 hover:bg-slate-400">
        <div id="btnsDiv" class="fixed right-2 top-14 bg-slate-800 pt-7 pb-4 pl-3 pr-5 rounded-sm grid gap-2 sm:flex">
            <button id="Spanish" class="text-sm bg-slate-300 px-2 py-1 mx-1 rounded-xl hover:bg-slate-400 text-slate-950">Español</button>
            <button id="English" class="text-sm bg-slate-300 px-2 py-1 rounded-xl hover:bg-slate-400 text-slate-950">English</button>
class IndexContent extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
      this.updateContent();  // Initialize with default content

  updateContent(content = {}) {
      const { header = {}, main = {} } = content;

      const htmlContent = `
      <header class="shadow-md shadow-slate-700 w-screen py-2 bg-slate-800 flex justify-center items-center content-center">
        <nav class="w-fit flex justify-around items-center content-center">
          <p class="hover:bg-slate-700 px-2 py-1 rounded-sm text-slate-400 border-r border-solid border-slate-300/50"><a href="/good-news/gospel.html${window.location.search}">${header.linkOne || 'Good News'}</a></p>
          <p class="hover:bg-slate-700 px-2 py-1 rounded-sm text-slate-400 border-l border-solid border-slate-300/50"><a href="/index.html${window.location.search}">${header.linkTwo || 'Sign Up'}</a></p>
      <main class="w-screen m-0 py-6 flex items-center justify-center">
        <div class="w-9/12">
          <h1 class="text-center font-bold h-5 text-2xl text-slate-900 py-2">${main.title || 'Contact Us'}</h1>
          <form action="https://getform.io/f/bejyndga" method="POST" class="grid justify-center p-8 gap-4">
            <div class="grid justify-center items-center content-center">
              <input class="mb-4 px-2 rounded-sm bg-slate-100 sm:w-60 md:w-80 w-52 text-sm py-1" type="text" name="Parent_Name" placeholder="${main.fields?.parentName || 'Parent Name'}">
              <input class="mb-4 px-2 rounded-sm bg-slate-100 w-52 sm:w-60 md:w-80  text-sm py-1" type="text" name="Child's Name'" placeholder="${main.fields?.childName || 'Child/Children\'s First Name(s)'}">
              <p class="text-xs pb-4 -mt-3 text-slate-900 w-52 sm:w-60 md:w-80">${main.fields?.fieldComment?.comment || '(if you have more than one child, separate their names with commas.)'}</p>
              <input class="mb-4 px-2 rounded-sm bg-slate-100  text-sm py-1" type="number" name="Phone_Number" placeholder="${main.fields?.phoneNumber || 'Phone Number'}">
              <input class="px-2 rounded-sm bg-slate-100  text-sm py-1" type="text" name="Address" placeholder="${main.fields?.address || 'Address'}">
            <textarea class="px-2 rounded-sm bg-slate-100  text-sm py-1" name="Additional_Info" placeholder="${main.fields?.additInfo || 'If you need to give us additional information, feel free!'}" rows="6" cols="20"></textarea>
            <button type="submit" class="bg-slate-900 py-2 text-slate-50 rounded-3xl hover:bg-slate-800 active:bg-slate-950">${main.button || 'Send'}</button>
          <p class="text-center py-4 -mt-8 italic text-sm">${main.alt || '(Or text us at (210) 549-6522)'}</p>
      this.innerHTML = htmlContent;

customElements.define("index-content", IndexContent);

If you examine the code, you will see that only the html that is directly inside the index.html file is rendering. While the Web Component, along with the interpolated data is not displaying.

I’m getting three errors:


My deployment URL is: waifs-outreach-qualitywebdevs-projects.vercel.app

You can also view the code on github: GitHub - QualityWebDev/Sunday_School

Thank you in advance!

Hi, @qualitywebdev! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

Thank you for providing detailed context and information! I took a look at your repository and tried to deploy it as-is myself, I got the same issue.

Digging deep on your vercel.json file, it looks like this is where the issue is. While this configuration might work to some extent, there are a few issues and potential improvements we can make based on your project structure and Vercel’s best practices.

  • The builds section is overly specific. You don’t need to list every single file. Vercel can handle static files automatically.
  • There is inconsistent file paths, some paths start with a slash, others don’t. This inconsistency could lead to unexpected behavior.
  • The routes section is more complex than necessary
  • It’s a good practice to specify the configuration version.
  • The last two route rules might conflict, potentially causing all requests to go to index.html.

We can simplify your configuration with:

  "version": 2,
  "builds": [
    { "src": "**", "use": "@vercel/static" }
  "routes": [
    { "src": "/good-news", "dest": "/good-news/gospel.html" },
    { "handle": "filesystem" }


  1. Specifies version 2 of the configuration schema.
  2. Uses a single build step for all static files.
  3. Routes /good-news to /good-news/gospel.html.
  4. Uses the "handle": "filesystem" directive to serve all other requests from the filesystem as-is.

This configuration assumes:

  • Your main index.html is in the root directory.
  • You want /good-news to serve gospel.html from the good-news folder.
  • All other files (CSS, images, etc.) should be served from their actual locations.

If you need any specific routing beyond this, you can add more route rules before the "handle": "filesystem" line.

Could you give this a go and let us know how you get on?

I thank you very much! This worked very well. Also thank you for your thorough explanation of “the reasons why”.

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No worries! :smile: Glad it’s working for you now.

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