Internal files being exposed as static assets

I hosted a Python serverless function using Flask. It works. The problem is that, requirements.txt, and all other files in my root directory are being exposed as static assets. I confirmed my vercel.json was the same as the one in the vercel flask example template.

To debug, I deployed the flask hello world template available on Vercel: Flask Hello World.
After some digging, I found .vercelignore, which solves my problem. However, requirements.txt is still exposed as a static asset. If I include requirements.txt in .vercelignore, the code fails to run complaining it cannot find the package flask. After the initial deployment, I have been testing locally using vercel dev --debug --local-config vercel.json .

How should I fix this?

Notably, using the legacy routes property, the project builds successfully, and the internal files are not exposed as static assets. I’m looking for the current recommended approach.

After reading this: Configuring projects with vercel.json, I believe the reason for rewrites not working is precedence being given to the filesystem:

The source property should NOT be a file because precedence is given to the filesystem prior to rewrites being applied. Instead, you should rename your static file or Serverless Function.

Project structure:

├── api
│   └──
├── requirements.txt
├── vercel.json
├── .vercelignore
└── .gitignore


  "rewrites": [
    { "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/api/index" }

Woking .vercelignore, exposing requirements.txt

# Ignore everything (folders and files) on root only

.vercelignore without requirements.txt, breaking build:

# Ignore everything (folders and files) on root only

vercel.json with legacy routes property works and returns 404 for all static assets. No need for .vercelignore in this case:

  "routes": [
    { "src": "/(.*)", "dest": "/api/index" }

Relevant links browsed:

There’s another community post with 404 debugging tips that might be helpful. Please give these solutions a try and let us know how it goes.

A human should be around soon to offer more advice. But you can also get helpful information quickly by asking v0.

both v0 and the link did not help

Hi, is there a recommended way to solve this or is this a bug?

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