Import public repo when a collaborator

Hi, I have been added as a collaborator to a public repository. I would like to deploy the repo on my Vercel account, but the repo is not showing up in the drop down menu.

My understanding was that it was possible to import and deploy public repos where I am a collaborator, even under a hobby plan.

The Hobby plan is designed for individual developers to deploy non-commercial projects, so you’re only able to connect to personal repos. If you need to connect a Github Organization or add more than one developer to your team, then you need a Vercel Pro plan.

I hope that make sense. Please let me know if you have any other questions

Hi Amy thanks for your reply.

The repo I’m trying to import is actually a personal repo (for which I’m the only collaborator aside the repo owner)

Let me know if I’m overlooking something?

Thanks for clarifying. It might be an issue the Vercel integration might not have access to the GitHub repo. Can you give these steps a try and let me if any of them work for you?

Hello Amy,

Unfortunately none of the suggested steps enabled me to solve the issue.

Can you confirm that I should indeed be able to deploy the repo of which i’m a collaborator?
As a reminder, the repo is public, it is a personal repo, I have been added as a collaborator on GitHub, and I have a Vercel hobby account.

If yes, how is it possible to solve this?


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