Hey guys,
Just wanted to check if this is normal or what exactly is going on.
I had within the day 1m+ Function Invocations and I feel like this is not at all normal.
I have already setup some function duration settings on vercel.json
but no change.
Also I am using Claudeflare.
Hi, @astritmalsija! Welcome to the community
This does look odd - can you tell us more about your project and set up?
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Sure thing, thank for taking the time
This is the project:
I basically I am fetching the data from this api route api/data/
Which is actually a static json file with 700+ icons combined with some other end points for the final data.
I might be doing something wrong here and suspecting that is the issue which I just changed to static json file entirely but haven’t noticed any change yet in invocations!
Although this path css.gg/icons/css
has way more invocations 1.9mil to this point