Follow up on NODE_ENV no longer set in runtime

I wanted to follow up on the issue I opened last week: NODE_ENV no longer set in runtime

First, thank you for addressing it promptly. It does feel like it needs some sort of follow up from the Vercel team though. This issue caused a significant outage on one of our production applications, and we need to make sure this does not happen again.

The main concern our team has is that we are using Vercel in a way that is not officially supported or tested. Beyond that, we would like to understand what actually happened and have reassurance that steps have been taken to prevent this from happening in the future.


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Hi, @beerlington!

We identified that the issue was related to a new feature currently in development. The team addressed it earlier this week, and we’ve implemented additional tests to prevent similar issues in the future.

Thanks for your patience :pray:

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