Feather js API deployment to vercel end points not working

on my local i am able to hit end points of feather js appliction. but on vercel i am unable to hit the end points it is giving 404 error. but the feather api is deployed successfully. my API is using mongo db

Deployment URL or Custom Domain:
Environment (local, preview, production):
Project Framework:
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset:
  Build Command (if not default):
  Output Directory (if not default):
  Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version:
Package Manager:
Relevant Packages:

Hi, @vercelmydoctornode-a! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

Can you share more on the error messages you’re seeing?

Thanks for the reply, Yes my api link is https://feather-server-my-doctor.vercel.app/specializations?%24limit=6. it is giving 404 but https://feather-server-my-doctor.vercel.app/ is wokring fine. on my local it is working fine. @pawlean

If you could share a minimal reproducible example with us, it’d be super helpful. Without seeing the code, it’s difficult to deduce what the problem is.

However, some things to take note of / questions from me:

  1. Vercel uses a file-based routing system for serverless functions. Make sure your API routes are properly set up in your project structure.
  2. FeathersJS might need some adjustments to work correctly in a serverless environment like Vercel.
  3. Ensure that your MongoDB connection is properly configured for the Vercel environment.
  4. What does your vercel.json file look like?
  5. Have you got any more detailed logs?

can i zip my project and upload on google drive and share with your email id. or can your team connect with me over meet or any desk?

@pawlean can i zip my project and upload on google drive and share with your email id. or can your team connect with me over meet or any desk?

We don’t offer this via the community. But if you provide a minimal reproducible example as I shared above, that would be helpful. :pray:

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