Environmental variable not added to deployment

I have a React app deployed on Vercel.
It was working perfectly fine and I am not sure when this problem started to manifest itself.
I am confident that environmental variables are not deployed.
I tried to redeploy and to remove and re-add the variables from the dashboard but it didn’t make the trick.
As I am using Vite I am prefixing all variables name with VITE_.
Again this was working just fine until a while ago.
I saw some old discussions about this on github. Maybe a reoccurring issue?

Current: environmental variables are not readable in code.
Expected: environmental variables are readable

  1. Use whatever app has environmental variables
  2. Add the variables in the dashboard
  3. Deploy and verify if env variables have been added
Deployment URL or Custom Domain:
Environment (local, preview, production):
Project Framework:
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset:
  Build Command (if not default):
  Output Directory (if not default):
  Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version:
Package Manager:
Relevant Packages:


Could you share a minimal reproducible repository that can be shared publicly as a git repository so that we can take a look?

Hello and thanks for reply.

I figured that the app is public at this repo

It requires the following environmental variables

The most evident bit that shows the lack of env variables are
{import.meta.env.VITE_GPT_BRIDGE_URL && }2) The progess bars in the

This should include a button with ChatGPT logo in the lower right corner, but it is not rendered as VITE_GPT_BRIDGE_URL is empty.

You can run locally with: pnpm dev
In local it works just fine, but not once deployed with correct variables in the project settings.

I realise is not a minimal repo and I apologise, but today I won’t have time to build one.
If this is not suitable for investigations please let me know, I will try to provide a minimal one tomorrow.

Ah, it looks like you are using Turborepo. You need to add the Environment variable in turbo.json to make it’s available for build: Using environment variables | Turborepo

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Hey @swarnava
Spot on!
Thanks a lot man, you saved my Sunday!
Many many thanks

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