I have an existing project that I’m configuring to be able to develop from within a github codespace. Everything seems to be working correctly except for the Vercel toolbar. Instead, when I run next dev, I see the following errors in my browser logs: GET http://localhost:43214/events net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
I suspect this is because the browser is trying to hit localhost:43214, but my codespace is actually being hosted on https://<codespace-name>-3000.app.github.dev (port 43214 is also being hosted at https://<codespace-name>-43214.app.github.dev).
How can I configure this so that the vercel toolbar works correctly when I’m running locally from my codespace?
Can you tell us more about your project? If you’re able to share your public repo or a minimal reproducible example, that’s even better! I just need to know which frameworks and settings I should use to actually replicate the error