Link to the code that reproduces this issue
To Reproduce
The codesandbox is a simplified setup of our site and config. This should be run with domain routing.
Current vs. Expected behavior
In the example code, the link components that are resolved on the server, get the default locale as an infix. An example of where this happens is on The menu and product links are structured as a relative link with the locale, even if it is the default locale (en) for that domain, resulting in the link being
This should just resolve to
on the server, as it did previously. On previous deployments this behavior wasn’t present. When the link is resolved via client side routing, the default locale is not present in the href. This can be tested on the example link by navigating via the menu to, for example, “Men’s rings”. The products will change and not have the default locale infix in the href, it even is the complete URL.
Refreshing the page will include the default locale again as a relative link.
I’ve downgraded to 14.2.10 and even to 14.2.3 but the issue still persists.
Provide environment information
Operating System:
Platform: darwin
Arch: x64
Version: Darwin Kernel Version 23.6.0: Mon Jul 29 21:13:00 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.141.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Available memory (MB): 40960
Available CPU cores: 16
Node: 21.6.2
npm: 10.2.4
Yarn: 1.22.22
pnpm: 9.12.2
Relevant Packages:
next: 14.2.10 // An outdated version detected (latest is 15.0.1), upgrade is highly recommended!
eslint-config-next: 14.2.3
react: 18.2.0
react-dom: 18.2.0
typescript: N/A
Next.js Config:
output: N/A
Which area(s) are affected? (Select all that apply)
Internationalization (i18n), Navigation, Pages Router
Which stage(s) are affected? (Select all that apply)
Vercel (Deployed)
Additional context
The build output uses the full URL in the outputted HTML files. It’s only for a revalidated page
Deployment URL or Custom Domain: and
Environment (local, preview, production): production
Project Framework: Next.js
Build Settings:
Framework Preset:
Build Command (if not default):
Output Directory (if not default):
Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version:
Package Manager:
Relevant Packages: