I am getting issues while uploading my node.js web app on vercel. It works fine on my local machine but when I try to deploy it I got this,
`This Serverless Function has crashed.
Your connection is working correctly.
Vercel is working correctly.
ID: cle1::494dn-1722104679054-ae2a57048256
If you are a visitor, contact the website owner or try again later.
If you are the owner, learn how to fix the error and check the logs.`
After that I tried to figure out the cause of the issue and came across this error
Error: Please install pg package manually at ConnectionManager._loadDialectModule (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/connection-manager.js:55:15) at new ConnectionManager (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/postgres/connection-manager.js:15:24) at new PostgresDialect (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/postgres/index.js:13:30) at new Sequelize (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js:194:20) at Object.<anonymous> (/var/task/modules/legoSets.js:8:19) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12) at /opt/rust/nodejs.js:1:11506 Node.js process exited with exit status: 1. The logs above can help with debugging the issue. INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 739.70 ms Phase: invoke Status: error Error Type: Runtime.ExitError
on the logs column of my project and don’t know how to troubleshoot it. My assignment is due in few hours and I am trying to solve this from last 2 days. Can please someone help me