CSS not loading when using custom domain

Hello, currently i’m doing a web page for a personal proyect at school. I developed the page with v0.

The https://ocn.vercel.app subdomain works perfectly, whereas https://ocn24.org doesn’t work, just shows the HTML code without any styles.

Current behaviour is that https://ocn24.org doesn’t show styles, only html.
Expected behaviour: Get the same page from https://ocn24.org and https://ocn.vercel.app

GitHub - cirosanchez/ocn that’s the code

Deployment URL or Custom Domain: https://ocn24.org and https://ocn.vercel.app
Environment (local, preview, production): producion
Project Framework: NextJs 15
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset: 
  Build Command (if not default):
  Output Directory (if not default):
  Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version: 20.18.0
Package Manager: Node
Relevant Packages: Lucide React


Can you show us a screenshot and the response of the CSS file? I couldn’t reproduce unfortunately on my end.

I don’t get any CSS file at all.


Can you try without browser extension in Incognito?

It worked that way… That’s weird. Could it be my extensions, by any chance?

I tried deleting my extensions, didn’t work out. What could i try?

I would bet that one of your extensions is causing the problen. Try disabling / removing one by one and see which one is causing the issue.

I’ve checked all my extensions and the webpage still shows only html: pastes

It works on edge, on my phone, on incognito, everything but this browser. I think its just my problem i guess.

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