[bug] v0 preview is not executing latest code

v0 preview (the instance hosted on lite.vusercontent.net) doesn’t appear to be loading or executing most recent code changes. The file tree reflects most recent code. When I deploy (to Vercel?), it appears to be executing most recent code - the same is true when I download a copy of the code & execute it locally. The v0 “assistant” has not been helpful in troubleshooting or addressing this issue.

Happy to provide more information. Thanks


Pauline, apologies for cross-posting. Per the current community structure, it wasn’t clear which category I should be using. Ideally, I would want to create a case - but that does not seem to be an option even though I am on a premium v0 plan.

Is there an option to provide further details in a non-public forum? Tx

Adding a screenshot. Happy to provide any additional information. Tx

You should be able to in vercel.com/help but happy to jump in here.

I’ll send you a DM so that you can share your v0 chat with me :smile: