Blob Store Creation Error

I am trying to create a Blob Store for one of my projects, but I keep getting “An unexpected internal error occurred” as I try and submit a name for the database. I’m not sure if this is an error on my part or not, since the Status page shows that everything is online. What can I do to solve this?

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Same error occurred to me.
When adding new blob storage to my project, An unexpected internal error occurred.

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Same error, we cant create a blob !!!

Capture d'écran 2024-08-13 035413

Can you recreate this with the network panel open and capture the actual error data to see if there is more to work with?

Hi Everyone,

We are investigating this currently and share further update here: Vercel Status - Blob Storage Creation Errors

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This issue should be fixed now!

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Now I got error 500 internal server error

update: the blob is created anyway so its ok

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