App works on my localhost, but not on Vercel?

Hello! I am fairly new to coding, and I have been able build front end applications with no issues but this is my first time trying to build a full stack application. I have it completely finished and it works just fine on my localhost, so I’m really just having trouble making the changes needed in order for it to run on a backend online and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

GitHub - mattmcginley7/NFLMockDraftSim: My take on building a mock draft simulator This is a link to my project

I have changed the environment to be from my localhost to my vercel website,

It will show nothing, but NFL Mock Draft Simulator will work lol

Then it will move you to NFL Mock Draft Simulator which is correct.

Now, there is where the problem occurs. All my back end stuff can’t be found according to the console. I personally am probably am just not educated enough to understand what the problem is here.

This is also the current set up I have for my vercel.json: {
“routes”: [
“src”: “/api/(.)",
“dest”: “/api/$1”
“src”: "/(.
“dest”: “/public/$1”

I would appreciate any help!

Hi, @mattmcginley7! Welcome to the Vercel Community!

Happy to help you out here! Do you have any specific error messages that you can share with us to help us dig deeper?

In the meantime, here are some potentially useful resources:

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