Add to code base

I have built a UI in V0 and now I can’t deploy it into my code in VS.
It gives me error codes.

I have a functional code but wanted to replace the UI.
Can’t get it to work.

Sorry you’re having trouble with the UI code. Can you share the code or public v0 chat link here? That way we can see the error and help you debug.

First of all I want to know how the code is supposed to be shared?

Is it with the link (add to code base)?

lets work with my example, my login page that I have created in V0 and want to add into my code in Vs.

:heavy_check_mark: You need to create a components.json file to add components. Proceed? … yes

We could not detect a supported framework at /Users/gustavsjoberg/kolibri/kolibri.
Visit Manual Installation - shadcn/ui to manually configure your project.
Once configured, you can use the cli to add components.

I dont know where to put the code either and there is no tailwind and components in the code either.

Please look into my code and see what is wrong, also are there any guide I can use to understand where to copy and paste my code? I have trouble deploying aswell in v0. But I dont know if I should do that at all ?

You haven’t shared the code yet. Please share a public repo or link to a public v0 chat so we can see the project

done. do you have time to look at it

Looks like the chat is private. Are you able to make it public? If you have a public repo where you’re trying to use the code, that would work too.

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How? Can’t you look at it here ?

Hello? Can I please get help?

Hi @ironmanavengerman, sorry that you are facing issues with v0 code blocks.

I’d love to help you out here. To do that, could you help me with a few questions:

  • Which framework are you using for your project?
  • If you have a public repo, could you share that here so I can help with integrating the v0 code into your project?

To run the code locally click the Add to Codebase button on the top bar and copy the npx command. You can run this command in an existing codebase to add the code block there or run it outside of a codebase to scaffold a new codebase locally.

From the v0 chat preview, it looks like that the UI is generated fine. As the code is using shadcn/ui components, you will have to follow the installation guide for the framework your project is using.

Let me know if this was helpful. I’m here to help you out if you have other questions.

I have tried to do the above. IS is possible to chat?

Hi @ironmanavengerman, this seems to be an empty repository. Can you push your code so I can help with debugging? We can continue the conversation here. Please provide as much details as you can about the project, codebase, and the errors you’re getting.


I cant push it but what it you show me how I can download all my code incl tailwind and css

Hi @ironmanavengerman, I understand that the code is private, I’d not be able to provide specific debug help without seeing more context. But, here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can approach the issue:

  1. Follow the TailwindCSS Installation guide for Next.js
  2. Follow the https://shadcn/ui
  3. From your v0 project, I see you’ll need the following shadcn components: npx shadcn@latest add button toaster tabs input. This command will add the components to your project.
  4. I see two files in the v0 project, you can copy and paste the code from the clerk-login-page.tsx file into the page.tsx you want to be the login page in your app and the password-reset.tsx can reside along with other components you might have in your project.
  5. Update the import statements accordingly.

These steps are specific to Next.js but you can find similar documentation for any other framework you might be using.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need further help.


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