After connecting our private Github repo to Vercel we are receiving a 404 Error and I am not sure why. I am non technical.
We have a web application (MERN) that includes the app users can access, an admin panel web app that internal users can access, and a node back end. They are organized as 3 individual files in our GitHub:
Admin Panel – houses front end for admin panel
React – houses the public facing app front end
Do each of these folders need to be deployed as separate projects OR does the Admin Panel need to be separate from the Node and React folders?
Hi @anshumanb Thank you for this response. Thanks for the clarification about separating our 2 front ends and 1 back end into 3 separate projects.
I took a look at the link you provided (Express 101) but it doesn’t clearly address the deployment issues I believe I am facing. Also, I mentioned I was non technical, so I would appreciate a clear and concise hand holding explanation. I am assuming many other non technical people evaluating your service, even for recommendation to their technical team will appreciate this guidance.
There is another company that offers a similar service to Vercel we deployed on, and they also separated into 3 folders, which worked, but I have a feeling that even if I separate these files on Vercel, there would be some deployment issue triggered on your side that I would need assistance with.
Our code should be otherwise in good shape for deployment given that it was able to be deployed on the other service.
I’m sure your project will work fine with minimal changes on Vercel. We’re here to help you out. Feel free to post questions or issues you run into here and the community members will guide you or suggestion solutions.