Vercel Preview Deployment Failing

Our Vercel Preview Deployment workflows are failing to build. This occurs from within github when our workflows run and also in the Vercel dashboard when I try to build from there.

As a test I have tried to build from a new branch off main with a small edit to the the readme file and that also fails.

The logs from our github workflow show Error: The specified scope does not exist as far as I know the only thing that has changed since our last deploy is the removal of some old users from our project. I had noticed however that all the builds were prefaced with the user name of one of our old team members and wondering if this is the cause but I have no idea how to fix this.

I would appreciate some help because without successful builds we can’t deploy anything. :scream:


Can you share the screenshot of the error? Is it returning by Vercel CLI or some package?

Sure → Vercel CLI is returning the error (i think)

Thanks! Please make sure the --token is passed properly and you have access to correct --scope i.e Team. Is this happening to a particular command or all command?