Vercel Geist Design System

I encountered an issue with the Vercel Geist Design System Icons. I need to use the icons for a web application, but when I click the SVG option for the Geist Icons, it doesn’t paste.

Hi, @kendrick1goodman-gma! Welcome to the Vercel Community.

Can you share where you are copying the Giest icons? Is it on this page?

Is the Vercel Geist Design system released for public use? Yes, that’s the correct page. I am working on a huge project that require a nice design system. Could you give me access to it? Or, do I need to apply for the position?

Geist Design System is publicly viewable, but components based on the design are not published as a library for use in other projects. I recommend using shadcn/ui components as an open source option. The components look similar to Geist and are conveniently available for multiple frameworks. It uses Lucide icons which you won’t need to copy and paste individually. :slightly_smiling_face:

In fact, shadcn/ui is used by to generate layouts, so you can quickly give it a try there if you want to see how it might look for your project without going through the the effort of writing any code first.

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When are you guys going to release the new Vercel Geist design System? I am a huge fan

Glad to hear you like it so much! I don’t believe there is any plan to release a Geist component library anytime soon. The best option for a project you’re building right now is shadcn/ui because the components look very similar to Geist.

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Awesome, thank you for the recommendation. I will have to try it out :slight_smile:

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