Using Notion as a database for my Next.js app

Excited to share that I’ve just completed my dynamic portfolio built with Next.js and deployed on Vercel! :tada: It integrates with Notion as a database, allowing me to update projects and articles in real-time. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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Thanks for sharing, @brahmihoussem! It looks like you have deployment protection turned on so I can’t see the deployment. If you can share a public link I’d love to take a look!

My apologies for that. I’ve fixed the link, and you can try it now.


Hey @brahmihoussem! It’s great to see you in the community from LinkedIn. :smiley:

As I said, I’ve never seen Notion be used as an CMS so this was really cool to see.

Feel free to drop into Introductions - #41 by dom-vercel btw!

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I’m currently working on an article about how to do that, and I’ll share it as soon as it’s complete.


Looking forward to it!