Use SupaCharts to visualize your Supabase data

Hello everyone! I’m Antonio, CEO at Litlyx, and I’m currently building Supacharts.

I’m a huge fan of Supabase! I’ve used it for everything from quick prototyping to handling complex projects with millions of records in the database. In my various attempts to use Supabase for everything, I noticed one recurring question i was asking myself:

How can I easily visualize the state of my database at a glance from my phone?

I tried accessing my Supabase dashboard from my phone so many times, and I ran into some issues with responsiveness. And that’s fine—Supabase is primarily optimized for web usage. But I really needed a way to bring all my data into simple, clean charts on my phone. That’s when the idea for Supacharts came to life.

Our mission is simple: Visualize your Supabase data with beautiful charts.

We have finally released it!

If you were on the waitlist, check your email for a special discount code!

Landing page:


Thanks for your attention, and keep building with Supabase!


Awesome project! I remember you saying the landing page uses Next.js in your earlier post. Do you mind sharing more about the tech used for this project, or any issues you faced along the way to launch?

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Congrats on the launch! The landing page looks great, can’t wait to give the product a try this weekend :slight_smile:


Oh great, @antonioverdiglione19 ! Having worked with and for BaaS products a lot myself, I can totally see the use case for which you built Supacharts.

I’m curious—how customizable are the chart options? And for secure handling, how are you managing permissions around accessing different data sets via the Supabase?

Thanks in advance!


Thank you so much! For the dashboard we used Nuxt. For the landing page Next!


Thank you so much! I hope you test it out!

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So, for permissions, we use url + anon keys from Supabase. RLS still block our service, we wanted to keep it safe as possible. For customization you can choose a date and a table name. Right now we support only “Count” mode, that count records from date. You can select from Line Charts or Bar Charts. In the future we will create more charts with different purpuse, like the pie charts with different tables to see the percentage of usage of varius tables in percentage.
I hope you will try our service. We are always open for advices.
thanks for your interest!


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